Pan Karel van Rosmalen, Przewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej Uniwersytetu Zuyd otrzymuje egzemplarz książki ’’Rosyjskie i Niderlandzkie Słownictwo Medyczne’’

Mr Karel van Rosmalen, the president of the Management Board of the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences received the book ‘’Russian and Dutch Medical Terminology’’.( original title: Medisch Russisch, Medisch Nederlands, thematische woordenschat voor iedereen ) written by Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska.

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Pierwszy egzemplarz dla Pana Jana Mans Prezydenta Maastricht Institute for Central and Eastern Europe

On 15th of May Mr Jan Mans, the president of the Maastricht Institute for Central and Eastern Europe ( MICEE ), received the first copy of the book ‘’Russian and Dutch Medical Terminology’’.( original title: Medisch Russisch, Medisch Nederlands, thematische woordenschat voor iedereen ).

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Nowa książka Facility Management i Budownictwo dla dyrektora wydziału Facility Management Uniwersytetu Zuyd

On the 4th of June director of the department of Facility Management at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences Mr Roel Hamers received the first copy of our latest book: Facility Management en Bouwkunde. Engelse en Nederlandse Terminologie ( Facility Management and Construction. English and Dutch terminology ) written by Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska.

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