Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, Międzynarodowe centrum dziennikarskie i PR, Turystyka

Europejskie Centrum Bajki o Communications-Unlimited

Europejskie Centrum Bajki o Communications-Unlimited

Communications-Unlimited jest oficjalnym partnerem Europejskiego Centrum Bajki w Pacanowie:

Wspieramy Polskę jako kraj wakacji rodzinnych i Pacanów jako Europejską Stolicę Bajki. Czy może być bardziej stosowne miejsce niż Pacanów. Zdecydowanie nie! Miasto rezolutnego Koziołka Matołka jest jak najbardziej stosowną lokalizacją  drodzy Miłośnicy Bajek!

Europejskie Centrum Bajki w Pacanowie o naszej współpracy:

”Znana holenderska firma zajmująca się PR, komunikacją medialną chce promować Centrum Bajki i polecać holenderskim dzieciom, rodzinom odkrywanie pięknych miejsc turystyki rodzinnej w kraju i województwie.

Pierwsza okazja w lipcu w Pacanowie.  Zapraszamy!

Communications-Unlimited is an international multidisciplinary company comprising the following departments:

• Publishing House

• Central and Eastern Europe Centre

• International Journalism and PR Centre

• Language and Translation Centre

• Business and Tourism

Communications-Unlimited was established by Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska in 2004. Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska is a Dutch-Polish journalist, publisher and writer of Central and East European language books. Due to her international background and experience she is an advisor to governmental and commercial organisations on Central and Eastern European issues. Last but not least she is an academic lecturer, a PR professional with an international dimension and a sworn translator ( from/to English, Dutch and Polish.) She is registered in the Dutch Society of Sworn Translators and Interlocutors under the number: Wbtv- 119.

Due to her deep interest in people and communication between people especially beyond the borders she followed English and American Studies at Warsaw University. She studied among others culture, literature, history, mass culture, ethnicity issues, political issues, gender studies, philosophy and psychology. Her major was American culture, and she specialised additionally in methodology and translations. After receiving her master title she also completed post-master studies in Journalism organised by L’Ecole Superiere de Journalisme de Lille and Warsaw University with the cooperation of the College of Europe. She received ‘Diplôme en Journalisme Européen’.

Beata Bruggeman-Sękowska co-operates with experienced international media and PR specialists, translators, interpreters and lecturers.

Communications-Unlimited is supported by an advisory board which consists of respected and well-known international representatives of the political, business and culture world.

Communications-Unlimited promotes Poland and the region of Central and Eastern Europe internationally. One of the projects Communications-Unlimited supports is ‘’Poland as a family holiday destination. ‘’ Therefore Communications –Unlimited is a proud partner of European Fairytale Centre in Pacanów.



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Communications-Unlimited partnerem Europejskiego Centrum Bajki w Pacanowie:

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